Thursday, October 4, 2007

Episode 1: Intro To Motorcycle Roadracing

Kelly premieres the Intro To Motorcycle Roadracing Podcast by introducing himself and looking back at his first experience as an amateur motorcycle roadracer. He also discusses a few basics you'll need to attain your competition license and gear and bike preparation for your first race.

Episode 1: mp3

Play Episode 1 Now!


Alexey said...

Would love to hear the episode, but it's not downloading. Network problem? Bad URL?

Intro To Motorcycle Roadracing said...

For those of you using a PC and trying to listen to our enhanced podcast, you'll need: Quicktime/iTunes, VLC (video lan) or Miro. The quickest and easist way to listen, is to subscribe to our show inside iTunes.
We will offer an MP3 file in future shows.